Hello everyone, how have you been? How are you going through quarantine? I hope you are well.
Ok, I write this to tell you:
- Thank you very much to the people who asked me for commissions with the slots that I opened earlier.
- But I decided to leave my commissions always open as I have always done, so if you want a commission from me you can write to me on any of my sites [twitter, FA, email, etc] although I would prefer it to be for Discord since it is easier the communication there [WolfMask # 1190] asks for availability first.
- Although I must put a new rule and that is that from time to time I will stop the commissions [maybe every 3, 4 comms] to take a little rest and make some personal drawing or idea that I want to do.
- Also to ask them a question. Would you like me to leave a public list with the people who are on the queue list of commissions?
- The raffle ... I think it will continue to be postponed unfortunately, I'm sorry guys
- Also thank all those people who follow me in all my places, everyone who likes the things I do too. you are the ones who encourage me to continue drawing.
[[[twitter= 759
FA= 790
pixiv= 650
NG= 254
Derpi= 1226]]]
Ok i think that's all i had to tell you. I hope I have not forgotten something. Thank you all very much, I appreciate them very much